The appetite suppression is good though on this forever cut im doing. I don't feel a huge difference on EC but that may be bc I have a high tolerance for stimulants. Remember the general rule is 2 weeks on 2 weeks off, bc you'll feel your body get used it fairly quickly so you want time off to reset.
Best eca stack full#
Even my buddies over at r/steroids were cautious about full dosage (72 E 600 C / day). Also you might not wanna go all out and do the "24mg E 200mg C 3 times a day standard dose" right off the bat bc you don't know how your body will react. Make sure you read the dosage mg/pill wherever you get the E, GNC has them at 4-6mg while the ones I got from a local supp store are 8mg. Most of the stuff has already been covered in the comments.

I usually do for the first week or so until I adjust. Also have some Benadryl or melatonin on hand in case you have trouble sleeping. Ive always found that if I don't eat first it makes me nauseous. Take it with half of a 200mg caffeine pill on a full stomach. Primatine and Bronchaid are the best two in America. You can find pure ephedrine in behind the counter pharmacies. They are also both powerful thermogenics so you'll sweat a lot more and lose even more water through your pores. Be sure to stay extra hydrated as both ephedrine and caffeine are diuretics and will cause you to lose a lot of water weight. While it's relatively harmless if you're healthy, it poses a small risk, especially the more you take. A lot of people take it 25mg with 200mg caffeine three times a day but I never have and my results have still been dramatic. I recommend taking 12.5 mg (half of a 25mg tablet) with 100mg caffeine your first week or two to ease into it. I'm terrible at keeping weight off though so I started it again today. I lost about 30lbs over 3 months using it with a low calorie diet and exercise. I've been taking it off and on for years. I wouldn't suggest Ephedra even as a last resort even used safely (as pure ephedrine), the effects are merely "pretty good". Is it just best only buy supps with ephedrine HCl in measured amounts so you know exactly how much ephedrine your ingesting (and you're not getting ripped off with low potency)? Ephedra should absolutely not be trusted as a diet aid. but I wouldn't put my trust in the companies selling it. I would expect that the variance in ephedrine content would depend on factors like how the plants were harvested, how carefully they were monitored, etc. Obviously those are the two extremes, but the point being what it is is that the range is very large. So if you were to ingest 1g of Ephedra, that could (theoretically) get you anywhere from 1.5mg to 22.5mg ephedrine. It contains 0.5-2.5% by weight of total alkaloids, of which ephedrine accounts for 30 to 90%. Its already been said, but Ephedra will vary. IIRC each pill of bronkaid is like 200mg psedo so for a 20 pack box you're looking at 3 or so grams of meth, possibly? I have no idea how much meth is necessary to get high so that's about as far as my scientific estimates go. So you can probably get between 70-85% overall yield by mol, so you're probably looking at 65%-80% mass yield since psedo is a bit heavier than meth? You can probably do siginifigantly better in extraction and it's possible that isolation isn't required/done because the side products aren't harmful but I have no idea. I would guess extraction from the binder is like 90-95% efficient (unless new formulations have some sort of anti-extraction binder), reaction is another 90-95% efficient and then isolating the product is another 90-95% efficient. That seems like a pretty easy reaction to do, so the number of steps to convert is probably fairly small and well studied for such a simple side chain replacement. It looks like pseudo's only difference is that it has an extra OH group on the side chain. Pseudo and meth have pretty similar structures and can be converted pretty easily to my knowledge. Well I've never made any, so this is just me speculating: See the Related Subreddits section for other popular fitness-related subreddits.General Posting Guidelines (click for more info): No Questions Related to Injury, Pain, or Any Medical Topic Progress Posts Must Be Detailed and Useful Posts Must Be Specific to Physical Fitness and Promote Useful Discussion No Threads That Are Answered by the Wiki, Searching Threads, or Google Welcome to r/Fitness! Click Here for a one-stop shop of our most important resources.